I've been called insane, but haven't been proven a liar...

What to expect from the humanity in the fairly near future

During the last decades, we have seen the mainstream societies going down and down into the crapper, really fast. From the innately-authoritarian countries such as Russia or most Asian nations, to the advanced and progressive European nations, all the way to the to the Sweet Land of Liberty itself, there are worrying - to say the least - trends which do not spell anything good for the Sovereign Individual, or their personal interests and aspirations. Already authoritarian countries have spiraled down and down and down into tyranny, with violence and coercion only solidifying themselves as the primary tools of governing their people - and in the freer nations, such as Europe or even America, dangerous practices such as public surveillance have already taken root.

And if that wasn't enough, the humanity have gotten their hands on some of the more advanced technologies - some of them they do not fully understand, and sometimes they don't even have the sufficent conceptual grasp of these mechanisms - but nevertheless, the technological progress advances at a rapid pace. New technologies provide new, more powerful possibilities - allowing users to perform more powerful actions using less effort - making life less complicated and more comfortable for many people. Sure, as with nearly every technology, there are all sorts of concerns - security, privacy, potential harm coming from these technologies being hacked by a malicious actor - but as long as at least semblances of security and reliability are provided to the masses, the masses are happy to use these in their daily lives.

Whatever technology is going to be developed, expect it to be rolled out widely with high enough probability.

As long as it isn't something explicitly considered dangerous by the users - which more often than not means, "acknowledged as unsafe by The Experts, who then translate the notion to the general public" - expect this technology to be rolled out very swiftly and very widely. And quite a few of them can radically change the society as we know it:

The brain-computer interfaces: from reading people's thoughts, to injecting thoughts in their brains, to outright controlling them directly

Entities such as Neuralink are hard at work developing brain chips and non-invasive devices for interacting with the standard human brains. For the Sovereign Individual, these technologies are mostly undesirable and are a threat for their very personalities - but since the average human more often than not doesn't have too much of a personality, and they too often can't even grasp the full range of potential threats bound to there being a standard interface for both reading their thoughts and writing them in, they'll mostly pay attention to the benefits of the brain-computer interfaces which will surely make their lives more comfortable and easier.

For starters, these technologies allow to ditch education as we know it. Workers will be happy that they won't need to pay $ for tuition anymore, enterpreneurs will be able to hire literally anyone willing to work - long as they're able enough to work using the skills they've received directly via their BCI - and all of this is made possible thanks to direct uploading of necessary skills into workers' brains. And there's the advantage of high-precision skill transfer - in other words, at least in theory, after uploading the skills into ordinary workers' brains, they'll be about as competent as someone who've graduated with A+ for all relevant subjects. Sure thing, one might say that these devices can be used to upload other things than skills into people's brains, and mess with them generally, but the story of the CoVID-19 "pandemic" tells us that the people are more likely to gladly receive strange and uncertain upgrades even for abstract and uncertain benefits such as "80% protection from the common cold-like virus".

And if "no need to waste time and money to get an education" isn't a reason enough for commoners to get a BCI, there are far, far more reasons. A BCI allows (theoretically, at least) near-instant interaction with any machine within the user's control - for example, it'll let many people work from literally anywhere, as they can just connect to the enterprise's network remotely and do stuff, or it'll allow to use one's desktop PC from far, far away (allowing them to play videogames while chilling somewhere at nature, for example). See something interesting? Snap an image of it right there and then with your eye, and send it to some social network with your mind. Want to search for something? I'm sure Google and all major search engines will have an option to instantly pick the most relevant result for you, based on a complex query you send immediately with your mind (and, of course, on what the company in question wants you to see. But this is a shhhh. Not something you want to blurt out to common customers who just want more convenience.)

All in all, the only real reason to not to get a BCI is concern for own privacy and security, and, of course, preservation of self-ownership and sovereignty. Since for most commoners, "privacy" concerns are fairly shallow and negligible long as they aren't directly and openly observed by an unpleasant, oppressive-looking entity, "security" is mostly handled by The Experts, and "self-ownership" and "sovereignty" are likely not even in their vocabulary, it is highly unlikely that they will ever be concerned with anything. Making BCIs first widespread, then part of the norm, then part of the common standards.

Thought assistant software: an artifical neural network which analyzes users' thought processes and corrects them to "assist them with thinking"

Now that we have BCIs in development, and various conversation AIs (think of ChatGPT and the likes), it's not way too long before someone comes with this idea, "What about an AI which'll help you solve your problems"?

Again, let's take a look at the advertising points of this technology. It's a machine which is supposed to make hard decisions for you! Who haven't faced at least one tough question in their life? And when these questions appear, solving them more often than not involves lots of stress, anxiety and depression - at best it's a slight discomfort, and at worst, it's a precursor for serious health issues in long-term perspective. Excessive stress does deteriorate a person's health in the long run.

And if we look at the CoVID-19 hype again, it's clear that "health" is the magic word which shuts off most other concerns and seizes high priority in one's decision-making. While there's at least hope that these won't be pushed on people like the "vaccines" were pushed during that damned plandemic, these are the analog of a surefire lethal injection - you carelessly let a thought assistant into your brain, you get your everything "normalized" and "standardized" which is essentially equivalent to murdering you since you are your personality associated with your private thoughts and other data. And you can be quite sure that the advertisers will use all sorts of manipulative tricks to get you, or rather your subconsciousness, to invite these things into your head.

If BCIs themselves are just an abstract and potential security threat, then this one is a machine designed specifically for observing users' thoughts very closely (so it would have all the necessary data for making relevant and highly-precise suggestions just for its user... and, of course, so someone who owns and operates the machine would have the most intimate knowledge of the user, which leads to de-facto ownership of the user and control over them), storing these thoughts for long periods of time time, and injecting suggestions and/or altering thoughts directly (do I need to say just what possibilities does it give for the malicious actors?).

Commonplace genetic therapy

The mRNA injections advertised as "vaccines" are perhaps the first widely-known nucleic acid manipulation tool in wide use. While that's not necessarily equivalent to manipulating genome, not without an accompanying retrovirus at least, it's an important step in establishing genetic manipulation as norm.

For the commonfolk, the technology seems to be primarily beneficial - it promises curing deadly diseases, being able to enhance own strength and intelligence, greater climate tolerances, greater resilience, longer lifespans... and the quiet part they don't care about, the same technologies can be used to potentially engineer them without any free will whatsoever, or at least have interfaces for remote control and curation. And it's already known that the public attention will be primarily, if not exclusively, on the advertised parts of the technology - meaning, the public will happily allow themselves to be altered, long as the influencers focus on the potential benefits of genetic therapy.

And of course, this one will likely usher in a new set of regulations of standards. Now that the masses have embraced gene therapy, why not mandate certain modifications for industrial reasons, for example? Or alternatively, "reduced aggression for security" for those who live in big cities - in other words, making people incapable of aggression whatsoever, making them harmless - and absolutely unable to resist.

And if the therapy can be done with a single injection - a cocktail of mRNA instructions combined with a retrovirus-like mechanism and all the middleware necessary for getting this shit into a living cell from the intercellular medium - there's barely any reason to even shudder before that kind of technology, let alone consider it a threat. The only thing commoners are reasonably expected to understand from this rant is the "it can be done with a single injection" part - which means, long as one isn't deathly afraid of needles, one doesn't have too many strong reasons to refuse that damn therapy.

S.M.A.R.T. cities for D.U.M.B. people

Not made obsolete by the BCI technology and genetic therapies (potentially allowing things such as turning human beings into walking sensors perpetually transmitting data to somewhere without even knowing this), the Surveillance, Monitoring, Analysis, Research, Tracking cities are a decent complementing tool for the aforementioned mechanisms.

In theory, a SMART city is more like an electronic barn of sorts - it doesn't just allow monitoring of every movement of every citizen. Street ads can theoretically be "personalized" just like the web ads - with a camera and/or other sensors in front of a banner, it is possible to evaluate the people in front of a billboard, cross-reference their profiles with the ubiquituous data about their habits, preferences, personal quirks etc. from the big data aggregators aka Internet ad companies, and put forth an ad which can maximize theoretical profits from people seeing them. Now you might think that isn't too bad, but when we remember about subliminal suggestion and its potential most certain use in such banners, it offers far more possibilities than simply urging you to buy that damn IPhone XXXXVI - all the way to mass programming people since childhood.

Don't expect this to be limited to suggestive street ads only. Other techniques, such as releasing pheromones or other stimulating compounds, using transcranial magnetic stimulators placed in public places, and all the way to viral peer-based stimulus propagation - all these techniques are probably going to be used to silently but firmly nudge you towards a certain decision.

The same techniques can be effectively used to "softly" force citizens to stay in a designed zone. Since humans are more animals than sapient beings, it is possible (at least in theory) to use complex stimulus systems to not only suggest you to work 20 hours for the Master while living an extremely frugal life, or "donate" most of your salary to some "charity" fund (though I guess a sapient, willful person won't like this, either), but to direct the masses - and, possibly, individual persons - into desired locations. The most obvious implementation of this one is controlling people's movement without the need for soldiers, cops, or walls - simply by herding them using various stimuli.

And if that isn't enough, you can realistically expect something I personally refer as "Mass Automatic Individuality Destruction" - basically, a continuation of the ongoing efforts to standardize every commoner's mind and put regimental guidelines on every area of human activity. This one can be applied not only within the cities, so I'm going to use a separate subchapter for this one...

A really, really evil MAID

Most hardware we use, and most interfaces for it, are standardized to a degree. This is done so a machine user won't have to re-learn to operate their machines anew each time they buy a new piece of hardware or an input. In other words, it's so you won't need to learn everything about your computer anew whenever you buy a new one.

It's the same for those who want to keep humans under control: they would be happier if all or most humans would have uniform values, ethics, goals, morals etc., all the way to identical personalities - to achieve a near-100% compliance and easily streamline the task of tricking humans into doing something. Figuratively speaking, by upgrading all humans to WetOS 11, we can make all the upgraded ones do something using the same manipulative actions. We can do it easily if we have chipped these humans with BCIs, as all we need to do is upload cognitive patterns right into their brains.

However, for those who will not be, for some reason, brain-chipped (and yet will be treated as tools nevertheless), there's a need for another mechanism. It comes in three parts.

Part 1: Zombie peer pressure network

The best propaganda bot is possibly the "fellow" human, who is treated as "a fellow member of the people" by most humans. Generic humans show far less suspicion and distrust towards their neighbors, colleagues and, especially, family members. They have a considerable degree of trust for them, and they rely on them for many things such as advices, or examples. And the tastiest part: when one of those "fellows" acts aggressively to enforce their point of view - when they're excessively emotional/intimidate/impatient while telling you something, in most cases it doesn't register as a potential manipulation attack by most humans.

The zombie peer pressure network relies is, essentially, a set of narrating techniques and accompanying subliminal suggestions which, when used on a human, allow perfect concept replication, enabling humans to losslessly convey morals and values, as well as attitudes, emotions, and Normal narration (like what I'm doing now) uses only language, allowing exchange of verbalized concepts - but this does not enable me to convey my personal emo-cognitive associations with the individual words, phrases, and other structures written here. For example, the word "order" (in its socio-political sense) is associated with safety, prosperity, unity etc. among most humans, but for me, the word means oppressive, restrained social structures based on a combination of violence, deception, and coercion. The word "freedom", albeit having some portion of its meaning generally shared among the humans, has varying details which are different for different individuals; so if I (a person with a mindset close to that of a willful American) try to talk to a Russian about how the Russian government infringes on personal freedoms of their citizens, the Russian will laugh it off, claiming I'm a liar/goddamn liberal - because most of Russians have a much more shallow concept of "freedom"; and not only that, many things I associate with "personal liberty", are considered excessive or even criminal among Russians.

The real-life conversations, those happening in person allow an extended range of communication via intonation, mimics, pheromones and other subliminal signals, it still does not rectify the problem of different individuals having their own associations with words. Nor it allows a precise manipulation of the audience, by precisely utilizing certain signals to influence the targets' subliminal thinking (which governs most if not all of generic humans' cognition). The zombie peer pressure technique relies on operating a set of "communication routines" - precisely-timed and accurate replications of a certain set of linguo-emotional sequences, which are literally able to "program" certain humans into building a set of morals, ethics and values through coordinated exploitation of their assumed subconscious routines.

The average humans are usually living quite social lives, which exposes them into contact with the "infected" ones. By interacting with them, they'll be able to receive parts of the "software" piece by piece from different people, at different times. Over time, they'll assemble (not without the help from the "fellow" humans coming into contact with them) a complete suite of morals and values, as well as a mechanism to propagate these values - so they will, essentially, function not unlike those zombies from horror movies; when bitten, they undergo transformation into a zombie, which adds them to the zombie horde and allows them to spread zombification on healthy ones.

Part 2: Organic autocorrection system

A human society is a chaotic place, and various factors - from both the nature of a specific individual, and the surroundings - may result in corruption of the imprinted values if left alone for a long time. To fix that, and also for update purposes, an autocorrection system needs to be present. The precursor of such system is found in many Eastern countries, such as China, Japan, and Russia; there, ordinary citizens do not respect the MYOB principle - on the contrary, the desire of a person for others to leave them alone and telling others to Mind Your Own Business too often is seen as suspicious behavior, and keeping too many aspects of one's personality and private life in private, away from the curious observers, is generally frowned upon in these cultures. In these cultures, it is normal to not only keep a close eye on the neighbors' and try to get into their private affairs, but also openly judge them for certain things, and suggest corrections to their behavior and personal views.

This phenomenon once again emphasizes the perceived difference of surveillance and curation done by the authorities (or their surveillance tools such as street cameras and drones) and "fellow" people such as their neighbors, colleagues and other acquaintances. With the aforementioned Russian and Asian cultures as an example, displaying a clear dissatisfaction with the pervasive attempts of the State (social credit, omnipresent surveillance...) to control their lives, while welcoming practically the same things done by the "fellow" people, it is presumed that the organic system will rely mostly on acquaintances and friends to monitor commoners' lives (that is, long as we're talking about non-BCI'd commoners living outside sensor-packed S.M.A.R.T. cities.)

(As an additional point supporting this statement: Collecting unsuspecting individuals' contacts is a practice which exists for a fairly long time. The system I am talking about is probably already being built.)

Upon detecting undesirable thoughts and behavior, the friends, family, co-workers of the non-compliant/deviant person will be signaled through social media, and called to rectify that person's behavior via peer pressure. In digital space, it is also possible to use bots pretending to be friends/family members, or members of the same social movement, in order to intimidate the victim into compliance with the system. For example, a more moderate conservative who mainly holds traditionalist values but does not want a totalitarian theocracy will be "persuaded" by the bots to change their views, "because all true conservatives want a totalitarian theocracy" or something similar.

Part 3: Real-time vulnerability hunt

Of course, setting up a self-correcting peer propaganda system is all fine, but there's always risk of deviancy. And sometimes, this deviancy does not emerge from "tabooish" thoughts an individual have managed to hide while pretending to be a good brainwashed part of the machine - but instead, from some overlooked ideas and thoughts which weren't considered before they became popular enough to challenge the status quo. Narrative flaws, unorthodox conclusions, unexpected interpretations and the likes of these phenomena often turn a promising manipulative narrative into a huge political fail. The best case is, possible, the religious indoctrination of the masses: while it somewhat helps keeping them docile and productive, now (and several times before that) all kinds of people were criticizing many state policies and activities from the point of the religion the State have been pushing on them. Such as conservatives refusing to inject themselves with mRNA cocktails "because it's the mark of the beast".

To not shoot itself in the ass like that, an active vulnerability hunt is being implemented. Before the "unwanted thoughts" or "unexpected developments" happen, the team of specialists (alternatively: an AI) runs over all imaginable developments of a narrative or a situation, and upon finding some, signals to develop countermeasures - such as prepared responses to quickly shut up the one who's expressing those thoughts, false flag incidents such as terrorist acts attributed to the advocated of a potentially-unwanted system of values and views, and speedy narrative updates designed to prevent the appearance of such thoughts. Of course, even this system doesn't guarantee 100% compliance and safety - but it offers a great deal of protection against ordinary people's dissatisfaction with their government. Since their thoughts are fairly predictable, most threatening developments are expected to be easily stopped before they manage to ruin the society. By iterating through possible developments of situations, it is possible to run ahead of possible dissidents, stopping their attempts to change the current status.

Note that most of the developments described above are now only in development. There are no BCIs for mass production now, S.M.A.R.T. cities are basically a work-in-progress which is far, far away from their implementation, and thought-assisting software isn't even spoken of publicly. But the Mass Automatic Individuality Destruction initiative already has many working precursors - and judging by the recent developments, such as the movement of libertarians being successfully and silently converted into authoritarian right-wingers, the general mechanism for the evil MAID is already there and running. In fact, unlike the previous concepts, which are very abstract and based on indirect and non-linear conclusions, the MAID is pretty much straighforward; while it actually might be known under another name, its mechanisms strongly resemble what happens now.

But... but... buttbuttbutt how can the people allow this shit?! Even if we assume this all actually can happen?

This is probably the thought most people would have after reading this. Sure thing, there are evil elites/oligarchs/communists in power who do have quite some nefarious plans against the humanity, but then again, won't the humanity just up and stop this madness? Especially after being warned by this long, long rant.

The sort answer is: more likely no than yes.

The long answer is:

The author of this blog have experimented with communicating with the people for five years already. Raising reasonable concerns, laying out detailed, complex schemes and doing all of this in digital public places. Talking to various persons, sending them suggestions and analysing their replies. In every case, every point I have publicly made (aside for jokes of course) was thoroughly scrutinized for any logical fallacies, and checked for veracity and integrity before published - after all, the others are fanatics, brainwashed, or just plain stupid, and to begin with, a constructive discussion requires supporting one's point with relevant arguments and logic.

Of course, it's not like nobody have ever said to me, "You're wrong". The thing is that they have never elaborated on why exactly am I wrong. I've seen all sorts of primitive demagogic tricks - name-calling, poisoning-the-well fallacies, appeals to morality, popularity of the statement made, reputation of the speaker - and perhaps in most cases they have even bothered to read through any of the complex material I've provided.

I've been talking about the possibility of remote mind control (or at least thought-reading) since 2017, and despite thorough, coherent explanation of the mind control/surveillance concept, I haven't faced anything but outright ridicule from anyone I've talked about this. Until roughly the second half of 2020, when someone else started making memes about "Neuralink reading your brain omg beware!".

I've been talking about carbon dioxide not being able to runaway greenhouse the Earth, pointing out that any increase in temperature the CO2 would cause, would also increase the activity of plants, whose green leaves are specialized precisely for converting carbon dioxide and water into cellulose and oxygen. And increased temperature would mean increased amount of energy available for these reactions, which would increase the growth of plants - and the consumption of carbon dioxide - until an equilibrium between its production and consumption is reached. Most of those I've explained this to have only ridiculed me, offering no constructive response.

Even the potential idea of someone big (the state, big companies etc.) spying on private citizens was largely met with ridicule. "You're too small and insignificant for anyone to care about you", that was what they were saying outside of various insults while the presence of personalized tracking mechanisms such as browser fingerprinting was already publicly acknowledged.

And then, I was talking about imminent enslavement of the masses once they're disarmed. Which have already happened in all countries which practiced civil disarmament and strict gun control. The reasoning behind this point is simple: with civilians having no effective means to defend themselves, the oppression and overexploitation of masses is no longer as punishing as it is when used against the armed civilians. And since the exploiters/oppressors take virtually no risks oppressing such a population, there is no reason to not exploit them in own self-interest. Even gun advocates rarely use that kind of thinking, often referring to the Second Amendment and "the god-given right/liberties" instead. As for those indifferent or those pushing civil disarmament, they've never countered that argument with anything constructive - or reasonable.

I've talked about many things and to many people, but the point is, they either don't listen, or they try to counter it with insults, ridiculing and cheap demagogic tricks instead of ever considering what I've said. I've never expected anyone to believe me without any second thought, but outright disregarding a point (or trying to brush it off with cheap demagogy) is another thing.

The conclusion: fuck the humanity, but don't get fucked alongside them

There were more than enough individuals with more than enough ideas to liberate the entire human race, and to turn every nation of the Earth into a prosperous and free society. Would the humanity be noble and freedom-loving, they would've been free now. But they aren't. More than that, they're actively begging their governments to take away their freedom.

And unless something extremely out-of-ordinary happens to them, they will head towards the society I've described in this blog. Even if the opponents - the small minority of individuals which is actually concerned with not only convenience and safety, but their privacy, freedom and, of course, autonomy and sovereignty - even if they will push back against the surveillance and control trends, there'll be only a brief pause (at most) before the control-hungry ones find something that will allow them to establish surveillance and control over the masses again.

So what the free and sovereign individuals shall be looking for, is not to free the entire humanity - but to reliably save ourselves from the unwanted policies and modifications. Whether it'll help the other people, too, is irrelevant. They've got their own lives, they've got their own opinion, and it sounds like "You don't really need those liberties if you've got convenience."

The humanity is basically fucked. And is enjoying it. Let them get railed as they love it. Cover our asses instead.