I've been called insane, but haven't been proven a liar...


Terms such as "offensive" and "explicit" are relative and are heavily dependent on a particular individual's perception.

What is perfectly OK for one person can be gravely offensive and outright unacceptable to another. Therefore, if someone finds something "offensive", it's in their responsibility to cope with it, not in my to delete the offending content or alter it.

Backed by the right to complete freedom of expression, which I, the sovereign individual, possess, I shall say whatever I want, and however I want. If you find it offensive, there are two ways of dealing with it:


  1. Hover your mouse cursor towards the "X" icon on the right from the tab this page is opened in.
  2. Click it.
  3. Forget about this page's existence.


  1. Close your browser.
  2. Shut down your PC.
  3. Run away from your house as fast as possible, in the direction of a thick forest, noxious swamp, wasteland desert, or any place where you are near-100% guaranteed to not to encounter another human.
  4. Get eaten by a predator because the nature doesn't care if you're offended.

Currently, this page acts as a sort-of "rant page" mostly to satisfy my need to express myself. What I post here might, and mostly will, be: highly unpopular, weird, insane, offensive, taboo-ish, not aligning with the Trusted Experts® and their opinions, and probably just outright unacceptable.

However, I'm not a large company which writes news and articles for a large audience for profit. This is a half-hobby half-a-tool-to-satisfy-my-needs-for-expression page. I don't need to watch my reputation, or adhere to the opinions of Verified Sources or Trusted Experts, because my profits aren't going to tank if I don't.


You do not want to talk to me. Seriously.

If, for some reason, the site admins want to send a message (which is unlikely since they don't give a fuck anyway), there's a working e-mail added to the one used to create the account. (The primary one obviously doesn't work)

Other than that, I don't use mainstream social media, e-mail, or messengers. I only use an obscure messenger called Session for private contacts, and you sure as hell don't want to download this thing just to talk to some shady being on the web.